893.51/5301: Telegram
The Minister in China (Johnson) to the Secretary of State
499. Legation’s 489, June 24, 11 a.m. Following telegram has been sent to the Minister at Shanghai:
“June 25, 5 p.m. For the Minister: Legation’s June 24, 11 a.m., to Nanking. In mail despatch June 23 American Consul General at Tientsin reports that a meeting of the Consular Body on that date discussed question of the collection of Tientsin duties at other ports. Gauss states:
‘It was pointed out that under article [25] of the British treaty of Tientsin and article 22 of the American treaty of 1858, import duties are payable at the port of destination of the goods and export duties at the port of destination70 shipment or lading.
Under these circumstances it is presumed that the foreign Minister[s] will be disposed to take effective measures to protest against the action of the National Government in imposing Tientsin duties at other ports, since those duties are payable only at Tientsin.
Meanwhile I have been asked by my colleagues to approach the Superintendent of Customs and represent to him verbally that under the accepted precedents of international law, when duties had once been paid in accordance with the prescribed tariffs, cargo cannot properly be subjected to a second duty levy. I am to urge the Superintendent of Customs to release, duty free, at Tientsin cargo which has been forced to pay Tientsin duties at other ports. My colleagues and I doubt whether such representations will have effect, but there is some hope that with a view to avoiding foreign complications the Shansi regime may be disposed, for the time being at least, to take a reasonable and conciliatory attitude and not subject foreign merchants to the payment of double duties, inasmuch as this would very seriously affect the trade of the port.
The Superintendent of Customs will be informed that the Consular Body has made appropriate representations to the foreign ministers on question of the collection of Tientsin duties at Shanghai and other ports and that it anticipates that efforts will be made to find an early solution of the matter.’”