724.3415/1020: Telegram
The Chargé in Uruguay (Gade) to the Acting Secretary of State
[Received 10:47 p.m.]
11. My telegram 10, March 10, 10 a.m. Uruguayan Minister for Foreign Affairs has just informed me that, in lieu of proposing that the Bolivian and Paraguayan Ministers make a declaration interpreting article No. 5 of the conciliation agreement, he had deemed it preferable to make the following proposals this afternoon: That the Bolivian and Paraguayan Ministers sign a protocol to the effect that in accordance with article No. 5 of the conciliation agreement they thereby grant the Uruguayan Government authorization to give ample instructions to its officers with respect to the fulfillment of the terms of the Washington protocol.
Uruguayan Minister for Foreign Affairs also proposed that in this or in a second protocol the Bolivian and Paraguayan Ministers agree that their countries renew diplomatic relations by appointing Ministers on April 10th, transmitting the agreements through the Uruguayan Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
While both the Bolivian and Paraguayan Ministers expressed approval of these proposals, they wished to telegraph their Governments for and [authorization?] to conclude the agreement.
Minister for Foreign Affairs is highly optimistic that the protocol will be signed within a few days. He allowed me to read formula but declined to furnish copy of the text pending the Bolivian and Paraguayan replies as slight changes may be necessary.
Repeated to Asunción.