Proposed convention between the United States and Canada to amend the convention for the suppression of smuggling, signed June 6, 19241

1. For text of the convention, see Foreign Relations, 1924, vol. i, p. 189. For previous correspondence concerning the suppression of smuggling, see ibid., 1929, vol. ii, pp. 48 ff.

[539] The Chargé in Canada (Riggs) to the Acting Secretary of State

811.114 Canada/4310

[540] The Acting Secretary of State to the Chargé in Canada (Riggs)

711.429/259a: Telegram

[541] The Chargé in Canada (Riggs) to the Acting Secretary of State

711.429/260: Telegram

[542] The Chargé in Canada (Riggs) to the Acting Secretary of State

711.429/263: Telegram

[544] The Chargé in Canada (Riggs) to the Secretary of State


[545] The Chargé in Canada (Riggs) to the Secretary of State

811.114 Canada/4337

[547] The Minister in Canada (MacNider) to the Secretary of State


[548] The Minister in Canada (MacNider) to the Secretary of State
