The Minister in Guatemala (Whitehouse) to the Secretary of State
[Received October 22.]
Sir: In accordance with your instruction No. 22 of July 22nd last11 (File No. 810.154/228) the Guatemalan Government was duly informed of the presence in Panama of the American Highway Engineers, and of their readiness to begin active cooperation with the other interested Governments in making reconnaissance surveys for the projected Inter-American Highway.
I have the honor to report that I am now in receipt of a note from the Foreign Office quoting the pertinent part of the reply received from the Guatemalan Minister of Agriculture, which reads as follows:
“Regarding this matter, I have the honor to inform you that this Office appreciates the important collaboration of the three engineers mentioned, and, if their coming does not occasion expenses—which at present it is not possible to defray—they will be received with the greatest pleasure in order that they may carry out this interesting study.”
Respectfully yours,