817.00/6267: Telegram
The Minister in Nicaragua (Eberhardt) to the Secretary of State
[Received 5:31 p.m.]
105. Legation’s 99 April 15 [12], 11 a.m. The President stated to me this morning that no prisoners were now being held at his order. Gabry Rivas and Adolfo and Enrique Vargas are being held by order of the Criminal Judge of Managua, the first for leading and [Page 593] the other two for complicity in the assault on the International Club August 28, 1925. Under the law, he stated, they had eight days to present their case and demonstrate why they should not be tried on these charges. The President admitted that he did not find sufficient evidence to justify holding them beyond the legal period of ten days on the original charge of conspiring against public order. He said that the case was now in the hands of the court and that he had nothing more to do with it.