Great Britain:
- Visit of the British Prime Minister, Ramsay MacDonald, to the United
States, October 4–10, 1929 (Documents 1–9)
- Question of acceptance as deportees from Great Britain of persons presumed
to have lost American citizenship acquired by naturalization (Documents 10–12)
- Reciprocal customs privileges accorded to American and British consular
officers (Documents 13–16)
- Protection of American lives and property in Palestine endangered by
conflict between Arabs and Jews (Documents 17–47)
- Representations for protection of American rights under Palestine Mandate
Convention in connection with bids for construction of harbor works at
Haifa (Documents 48–53)
- Negotiations in regard to the administration of the Turtle Islands and to
the boundary between the Philippine Islands and British North Borneo (Documents 54–59)
- Inquiry regarding British policy respecting the holding and operation by
foreigners of petroleum concessions in territories such as Bahrein (Documents 60–61)