817.00/6260: Telegram
The Minister in Nicaragua (Eberhardt) to the Secretary of State
[Received 4:25 p.m.]
99. Department’s April 11, 8 p.m. McDougal is investigating entire situation and is preparing a formal method of procedure to be followed in making arrests. This will be presented to the President when ready and it is hoped that it will obviate the necessity of representations by the Legation. Under this plan the Guardia will insist on full information in the case of each arrest.
McDougal quite correctly does not wish us [to] act hastily in this matter and he prefers to delay action until he has prepared a complete plan to replace the present informal procedure. This of course will require a minute study of Nicaraguan law and criminal procedure. In the meantime the few prisoners still held are being well treated and there is apparently no immediate cause for alarm. It is hoped that the plan of procedure being prepared for the President will clarify the whole situation.