817.00/6185: Telegram

The Minister in Nicaragua (Eberhardt) to the Secretary of State

24. Information contained in Department’s telegram 8, January 15, noon, has been conveyed to General Feland. Congress is now in session and President Moncada proposes to ask tomorrow that it declare martial law for the Departments of Matagalpa, Jinotega, Esteli and Nueva Segovia.3

  1. In telegram No. 40, February 4, 4 p.m. (not printed), the Legation reported that the law declaring martial law (estado de sitio) had been signed by the President on February 2 to go into effect immediately (817.00/6199). In subsequent communications (not printed), dated April 11, June 17, August 8, October 4, and December 7 respectively, the Legation reported that the law had been extended for periods of 60 days (817.00/6257, 6359, 6395, 6431, 6509).