812.00Sonora/752: Telegram
The Consul at Guaymas (Bursley) to the Secretary of State
[Received April 20—9:20 a.m.]
Situation in Guaymas and Empalme calm. Commander Comerford will debark in Guaymas render all proper assistance refugees who so desire. Commander and I have warned rebel military authorities and customs authorities regarding Anderson Clayton cotton and they promise to protect it so far as possible. Ascertained cotton is subject to the orders of superior officials in Nogales, nevertheless it is doubtful whether market could be found for the cotton under present conditions. Federals have been bombing Navajoa and according to unconfirmed report have wounded a number of rebels. General Enrique Estrada now on the way to Nogales. Commander and I have informed rebels we object to taking of Southern Pacific oil without payment. I have also protested denial of Consulate’s right of sending code messages.
Previous representations have resulted for the moment in the cessation of seizures and threatened seizures oil from American companies.
Sent to Nogales.