
The Secretary of State to the Mexican Ambassador (Téllez)

Excellency: I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of Your Excellency’s note No. 1868, dated April 1, 1929, advising that the rebels at Ciudad Juarez, Chihuahua, taking advantage of the fact that coal, gasoline and petroleum are not considered contraband of war, have been importing large quantities of such fuels through El Paso, Texas, to supply locomotives and other vehicles used in moving troops; and that trucks used to transport such fuels also carry contraband ammunition. Your Excellency requests in these circumstances that, if there be no objection, coal, gasoline, petroleum and other fuels be considered contraband of war and that the free exportation thereof be prevented.

I may observe that it will at once be evident to Your Excellency that the suggestion regarding “contraband of war” may be considered as involving various considerations such as, for example, whether by using the term, you intended to suggest that a state of belligerency prevails in the present situation in Mexico, since if such a state is to be regarded as existing it would have far reaching effects upon the present situation as between the two Governments in connection with the disturbances now obtaining in Mexico.

However, pending a reply from Your Excellency on this point, I have the honor to advise that, in consideration of Your Excellency’s request in the premises, inquirers regarding the exportation of coal, gasoline, petroleum and other fuels to Mexican territory not under control of the Mexican Federal Government are being advised to the effect that applications for licenses to export the supplies mentioned should be made by the interested consignee in Mexico through the Mexican Embassy at Washington; and that the unauthorized exportation of ammunition referred to has been brought to the attention of the appropriate Departments of this Government.52

Accept [etc.]

For the Secretary of State:
J. Reuben Clark, Jr.
  1. No reply to the foregoing appears to have been made.