The Secretary of State to the Chairman of the Commission of Inquiry and Conciliation (McCoy)
Sir: I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your letter of July 10, 1929, transmitting for the information of the Department copies of correspondence read into the minutes of the meeting of the Commission of Inquiry and Conciliation, Bolivia and Paraguay, held on July 2, 1929, at the Pan American Union, together with the remarks made on the same occasion by Dr. David Alvéstegui of the Bolivian Delegation, and by yourself as Chairman, recording the proposal and acceptance of a plan whereby the neutral members of the Commission may now proceed toward a final settlement of the fundamental question affecting the Chaco, between Bolivia and Paraguay.
I have duly noted that this plan does not restrict the Commission in the performance of its duties as defined in the Protocol of January 3, 1929. I have also noted with gratification the highly commendable spirit of cooperation of the Delegates of Bolivia and Paraguay, and the endeavors of the Commissioners of Colombia, [Page 869] Cuba, Mexico, and Uruguay in lending their assistance and united efforts and the high prestige of their respective Governments to bring about the proposal and acceptance of this plan.
I have [etc.]