
The British Chargé (Campbell) to the Secretary of State

No. 612

Sir: I have the honour, under instructions from His Majesty’s Principal Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs, to inform you that it is suggested that the London Naval Conference should hold its first session on the morning of Tuesday, January 21st next. I am instructed to enquire whether this date would be agreeable to the Government of the United States.

I am further instructed to state that His Majesty’s Government consider that it is most desirable that no technical experts should be nominated as delegates by any of the participating Governments though experts would of course be present in the Conference room in [Page 273] an advisory capacity. This procedure would, as you are aware, Sir, be in conformity with previous practice and I am to express the hope that the United States Government will agree that this practice should be followed on the present occasion.

His Majesty’s Representatives at Paris, Rome and Tokio have been instructed to address similar communications to the French, Italian and Japanese Governments and I understand that particulars regarding the time and place of meeting of the Conference will be communicated to me when agreement has been reached regarding its date of opening. His Majesty’s Government would be glad to know at the earliest possible moment whether the date above suggested is agreeable to the Government of the United States.

I also understand that I shall be advised as soon as a definite decision has been taken in regard to the constitution of the British Delegation to the Conference.

I have [etc.]

Ronald Campbell