815.113 Mosheim & Co., E.
The Minister in Honduras (Summerlin) to the Secretary of State
[Received June 12.]
Sir: With reference to the Department’s telegram No. 30, March 30, 5 P.M.,6 in regard to an application for license to export fifteen thousand rounds of 32 and 38 caliber revolver cartridges to Francisco Siercke of Tegucigalpa, and to the Legation’s telegram No. 46, April 3, 2 P.M.,6 in reply thereto, recommending, after conference with Honduran authorities, that no licenses be granted at present for shipments of arms and or ammunition to Honduras, except to the Government, I have the honor to report that I am in receipt of confidential information, from a reliable source, to the effect that this shipment of ammunition has been made by the “Dominion Cartridge Company, Limited, of Montreal”, Canada, by way of Kingston, Jamaica, to Amapala. I am further informed that the consular invoices for the shipment were handled by the Honduran Consul at Philadelphia.
I have brought the matter informally to the attention of the Minister for Foreign Affairs.
I have [etc.]