815.00/4322: Telegram

The Chargé in Honduras (Johnson) to the Secretary of State

145. President Paz informed me today that propaganda of radical individuals in National Party in favor of annulment by Congress of Mejía election on grounds of fraud has produced a situation of great uneasiness and anxiety on the north coast. He believes a statement from the Department that no government arising from a coup d’état or through violence would be recognized, will be helpful.

I do not believe the situation sufficiently acute to make necessary a declaration from the Department at present and I am convinced that many of the rumors of trouble are greatly exaggerated. In view however of the uneasiness on the north coast, and as a precautionary measure, I suggest that a United States naval vessel be held in readiness [Page 76] to proceed at once to La Ceiba and that arrangements be made for a vessel to visit all the northern ports as early as possible in January. Repeated to consul at La Ceiba.
