
The Swedish Minister (Boström) to the Secretary of State

Sir: Referring to previous correspondence regarding the proposed treaty of arbitration between Sweden and the United States of America, latest my note of April 26, 1928,4 I have the honour to inform Your Excellency that my Government have now approved the draft of the Treaty submitted to me by Your note of the same date and that I have been authorized to sign the Treaty on behalf of Sweden.

My Government should appreciate, however, in case there is no objection on the part of the United States Government, if the text of Article 3, first paragraph, could be changed from “by Sweden in accordance with its constitutional laws” to “by His Majesty the King of Sweden with the consent of the Swedish Riksdag”. The Swedish text is enclosed.4

I wish to add that I am prepared to sign the Treaty at any time convenient to you.

With renewed assurances [etc.]

M. Boström
  1. Not printed.
  2. Not printed.