871.51 Rumanian Loan/1: Telegram

The Minister in Rumania (Culbertson) to the Secretary of State


8. Two Frenchmen, named Jean Monnet (director of Blair and Company, New York) and Pierre Denis, are now investigating, at the Rumanian Finance Minister’s request, the financial situation in Rumania. On the basis of their report, they state, the advisability of an international loan being floated for currency stabilization and railroad improvements, to be under American leadership and similar to the Polish loan, will be considered next month by the large banks of issue, including the Federal Reserve Bank. Before such loan is made, the settlement of all cases pending between the United States and Rumania is indicated by them as desirable. My suggestion is that we try to get, among other things, a commercial treaty, better treatment for the Standard Oil Company, and settlement of bond and other claims.
