The Secretary of State to the High Commissioner in Haiti (Russell)
Sir: With reference to despatch No. 1263 (High Commissioner’s Series) of August 7, 1928, and previous correspondence regarding the desire of the British Government to obtain the reconsideration of three British claims against the Government of Haiti, the Department transmits herewith for your information a memorandum of a conversation between Sir John Broderick of the British Embassy and certain officials of the Department on October 5,9 and also a copy of a letter from Sir John Broderick to the Chief of the Division of Latin American Affairs relative to these claims,10 in which it is stated that the British Government is at present aware of no similar claims which might still be asserted against Haiti by other countries.
The Department is satisfied that there is reasonable ground for assurance that if the three claims which the British Government desires to have reopened should be reconsidered by the Haitian Government, this will not lead to the presentation for reconsideration of other claims by other governments.
When the British representative in Port au Prince submits these claims again to the Haitian Government, you may state to President Borno that in your opinion, which is shared by the Department of State, these claims should be given earnest consideration. You may also inform the Government of Haiti that if it should find payment justified, the United States Government will raise no objection.
I am [etc.]