The Secretary of State to the Minister in Greece (Skinner)
Sir: The Department has received your despatch No. 618 of June 26, 1928 in which is set forth the opinion rendered by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs concerning the citizenship of former Ottoman subjects of the Orthodox religion who had left Turkey for destinations other than Greece prior to the conclusion of the convention concerning the exchange of Greek and Turkish populations, signed at Lausanne January 30, 1923.
Paragraph numbered four of the opinion states that “all those who acquired foreign citizenship after January 30, 1923 without first obtaining the permission of the Greek Government, shall be considered Greek citizens.” This provision in so far as it affects former Ottoman subjects who have acquired American citizenship by naturalization subsequent to January 30, 1923 cannot be accepted by this Government. You should therefore inform the Ministry of Foreign Affairs that in the opinion of this Government the terms of the agreement of January 30, 1923 between Greece and Turkey do not seem applicable to former Ottoman subjects who have obtained naturalization as citizens of the United States before going to Greece. You should add that the Government of the United States cannot recognize the right of foreign governments to enter into agreements affecting the nationality of American citizens.
It is suggested that the Legation, if it has not already done so, transmit the text of the opinion contained in its despatch No. 618 to the several consulates in Greece and that it also inform those offices as to the contents of this instruction. In transmitting this information to the Consulate at Saloniki reference should be made to that office’s despatch No. 35 of March 15, 1928, a copy of which should be on file in the Consulate General at Athens.
I am [etc.]