817.00/6032: Telegram
The Chargé in Costa Rica (De Lambert) to the Secretary of State
José [undated].
[Received October 12, 1928—3:40 p.m.]
[Received October 12, 1928—3:40 p.m.]
68. The following telegram was sent Managua:
October 12, 11 a.m. Your telegram October 11, noon.21 President Gonzales Viquez states that he will try to secure further information about … and that he will have orders sent to Paris Mina and Colorado to be especially watchful and to report any activities, but at the same time he minimizes possibility of any real trouble arising here.
The United Fruit Company also is investigating.
Repeated to the Department.
De Lambert
- See telegram No. 362, Oct. 11, noon, from the Minister in Nicaragua, supra.↩