817.00/5977: Telegram

The Minister in Nicaragua (Eberhardt) to the Secretary of State

341. The following telegram was sent to the Legation, San Jose:

“September 13, 10 a.m. A letter has been intercepted here which states that … has been recruiting men for a revolt in Nicaragua about September 15th. The party will go apparently by way of the Zapote River to Rivas. The letter indicates that there is a conspiracy to start movements at other places in Nicaragua at the same time, presumably in order to prevent the registration of voters. … is probably participating. The letter is from … at Limon.

Will you kindly inform me at once of any information which you may have or can obtain about this and also of the steps which the Costa Rican Government is taking or will take to stop these activities against Nicaragua.

General Feland considers this information important. … was one of the leaders of the Masaya uprising last May and is understood to have been openly conducting Sandinista propaganda in Costa Rica since then. Many reports have been received lately indicating that some form of attack from that side was to be expected.

President Diaz has requested the Legation to ask the Department to request the Costa Rican Government on his behalf to take immediate measures to prevent the organization of movements of this kind in Costa Rica and to arrest or deport those involved.”
