817.00/5586: Telegram
The Minister in Nicaragua (Eberhardt) to the Secretary of State
[Received 8:35 p.m.]
189. My [The?] marine commander, Puerto Cabezas, reports that all information indicates two bands of 150 men each are entrenching and operating mines in neighborhood of Neptune Mine which is in Pis Pis area. Sandino does not seem to be with these groups although several of his chief lieutenants are there. Another band is reported to be coming down Wanks and Wasspuc Rivers but this has not been confirmed. It is extremely difficult to obtain any reliable information.
Manager of La Luz Mine arriving at Puerto Cabezas has confirmed report of capture of Marshall and two other prisoners. Bandits had written orders from Sandino to make raid. They asserted their intention of going on to Puerto Cabezas. Much looting at the mine.