711.5612A/3: Telegram
The Acting Secretary of State to the Minister in the Netherlands (Tobin)
11. The Department handed the Chargé d’Affaires of the Netherlands Legation, today, a draft of a proposed treaty of arbitration between the United States and the Netherlands.29 The provisions of the draft operate to extend the policy of arbitration enunciated in the Convention signed at Washington, May 2, 1908,30 which expires on March 25, 1929. The language of the draft is identical in effect with that of the Arbitration Treaty recently signed with France31 and with the draft arbitration treaties already submitted to other governments in the general program for the extension of these principles. The text of the proposed treaty will be forwarded in the next pouch.
- Draft not printed.↩
- Foreign Relations, 1909, p. 442.↩
- Vol. ii, p. 816.↩