881.00/1377: Telegram

The Secretary of State to the Ambassador in Spain (Hammond)

21. Your 29, February 21, 6 p.m. The treaty position of the United States in Morocco and in Tangier, and its consequent interest in any international discussions or decisions which might have a bearing on its treaty rights and interests in Morocco are well known to the Powers interested in Morocco, and especially so to Spain in view of the correspondence between the two Governments in August and September 192618 regarding the invitation then issued by Spain for a Moroccan conference. Accordingly should such a conference be held at Malaga or elsewhere this Government could not remain indifferent to its proceedings and would be compelled to make formal reservation of its attitude on all matters brought before the conference touching American rights and interests in Morocco and Tangier.

You should therefore unless you perceive substantial objection to such a course, enquire informally at the Foreign Office as to the basis for the reports regarding a Moroccan conference, and you may discuss the matter informally with Foreign Office officials in the light of the foregoing. Should inquiry be made whether the United States would accept an invitation to participate in such a conference, you may say that the attitude of this Government continues to be that indicated in the 1926 correspondence between the two Governments.

Please advise by cable of the action taken by you and the attitude of the Spanish Government.

Repeat this telegram and subsequent exchanges with the Department on this question to London, Paris, Tangier and Rome.
