
The Ambassador in Mexico (Morrow) to the Secretary of State

No. 471

Sir: Confirming my telegram No. 90 of today’s date, 5 P.M.,16 reporting that I had addressed to the Mexican Minister of Industry, Commerce and Labor a letter setting forth my understanding of the purport of Article 152, amended, of the Regulations of the Mexican Petroleum Law, promulgated by Executive Decree today,17 I have the honor to enclose for the Department’s information a copy of that letter.

I have [etc.]

Dwight W. Morrow
[Page 300]

The American Ambassador (Morrow) to the Mexican Minister of Industry, Commerce and Labor (Morones)

My Dear Mr. Minister: Referring to our recent oral discussions regarding the amended regulations of the Petroleum Law, my understanding is the same as yours:—that the final clause of the amended article 152 does not cover a mere abstract intention that has not been accompanied or evidenced by an act similar to those mentioned in the preceding part of the article.

I can not allow to pass this opportunity of telling you of my sincere appreciation of the spirit of fairness which has characterized the attitude of yourself and of the members of your staff in the informal discussions which have taken place regarding the amended regulations.

I am [etc.]

Dwight W. Morrow
  1. Not printed.
  2. Post, p. 301.