882.74/39: Telegram

The Acting Secretary of State to the Minister in Liberia (Francis)


14. Referring to your despatch No. 40, Diplomatic, of February 24.

The Department is informed by Firestone that the United States Federal Radio Commission has granted him a permit for general commercial radio communication with Liberia. Also that the Liberian Government has altered its position described in your despatch referred to above, and that for the past three weeks the Firestone representatives in Monrovia have been negotiating a traffic agreement with the Government of Liberia. Firestone describes these negotiations as having resulted in an agreement in principle, and he expects the few remaining questions, involving matters of detail, such as division of revenue, etc., to be arranged within a few days.
The Department has also been informed by the Radio Corporation of America that it is carrying on active negotiations with the Government of Liberia, looking to an extension of the traffic agreement signed by the corporation with the Liberian Government last fall and intended to cover radio communication between Liberia and the world at large.
Endeavor to ascertain the present status of these two negotiations and inform the Department, together with appropriate comments of your own. Please ascertain particularly whether negotiations have been carried on between any other radio concerns and the Liberian Government or whether such are likely in the near future.
What will be the effect upon the Radio Corporation’s existing traffic agreement if the radio agreement between the Liberian Government and Firestone is consummated?