The Secretary of State to Representative Hamilton Fish, Jr.
My Dear Mr. Fish: In continuation of my letter to you of February 25th,10 I enclose herewith a translation of a statement given by Signor Parini, Secretary General of the Fascist[i] abroad, to the representative of the United Press in Home.10 This statement confirms what the Italian Ambassador has said to an officer of the Department, that the Fascist League of North America is not dependent on the Secretary General in Rome. The Ambassador explains this from the fact that the Fascist Leagues here are largely composed of American citizens over whom the Fascist Government has no control.
I should like to point out, furthermore, that in the statute for the Fascist organizations abroad, as drafted by Mussolini, it says among other things:
“The orders given by the Duce to the Fascists abroad for their daily guidance are as follows:
- “1. Fascists abroad must respect the laws of that country whose hospitality they enjoy; they must give daily proof of such respect and, if necessary, set the citizens themselves that example;
- “2. Fascists abroad must not participate in the domestic politics of the countries wherein they reside.”
As the Ambassador points out, these instructions are intended solely for Italian citizens and do not have anything to do with American citizens.
I am [etc.]