The Italian Ambassador (De Martina) to the Secretary of State
The Italian Ambassador presents his compliments to His Excellency the Secretary of State and has the honor to call his kind attention on the following:
The Ambassador had repeated occasions in the course of the last few months to invite the Department of State’s consideration on the activities—which under several aspects appear to be excessive—carried out in Italy by Agents of the United States Treasury with the purpose of ascertaining the value of goods exported to the United States. As known to the State Department, these Agents center around a special Office with quarters at Florence.
The Italian Ambassador has also pointed out how these activities go beyond the limits of the powers allowed by law to the Italian Officials themselves; and how they are frequently the cause of discontent on the part of manufacturing Concerns which are the object of the investigations conducted by said Agents of the United States Treasury. These Concerns have in fact brought their complaints before the Italian Government, showing how the persisting of such investigations harms their interests in their competition with other Concerns, disclosing data and information which any industrial or commercial organization has obviously the right and title not to divulge.
[Page 105]The Italian Government recently learned that the United States Treasury has substantially reduced the personnel assigned to this work in France and that at the same time their attributions have been notably limited.5
The Italian Government would much appreciate it if the same course were adopted in regard to Italy and the Ambassador would be much obliged to His Excellency the Secretary of State for his kind interest in the matter.