
The Secretary of State to Messrs. Frank P. Walsh and John T. Ryan, New York

Sirs: Referring to the Department’s letter of April 14, 1928, and to your communications of April 18 and May 28, 1928,11 regarding the matter of the Irish bonds, the Department is pleased to enclose for your information copies of despatch No. 112 of July 28, 1928, from the American Minister to Dublin and the enclosure therewith, a note from the Department of External Affairs of the Irish Free State, dated July 26, 1928.12

You will observe from the note from the Department of External Affairs that the Irish Free State reasserts its intention to honor these bonds, but considers that no action to that end can be taken until the Receivers appointed by the Court in New York shall have distributed the assets turned over to them. The Department would be glad to receive from you any information which you may have as to the progress that is being made by the Receivers and when it is likely that a final report will be made to the Court.

I am [etc.]

For the Secretary of State:
W. R. Castle, Jr.

Assistant Secretary
  1. None printed.
  2. Supra.