The Secretary of State to the Minister in Ethiopia (Southard)
Sir: The Department has received your despatch No. 4 of May 4, 1928, in which you say that Ras Tafari, the King of Ethiopia, has requested you to obtain promptly for him prices in the United States of certain military equipment. You also state that if the laws and regulations [Page 803] of the United States permit the exportation of military equipment it is the intention of the Ethiopian Government to purchase a quantity of these commodities in the American market.
A copy of your despatch under reference was forwarded informally to the Department of Commerce for consideration. A reply has now been received, of which a copy is transmitted herewith, together with its enclosures.20
It may be added for your information that while the Department does not encourage the exportation of arms and ammunition to any country, there are no legal restrictions on the exportation of those commodities to Ethiopia.
I am [etc.]
- Not printed; the enclosures consisted of catalogs, price lists, etc., of interested companies.↩