- Treaties of arbitration and conciliation between the United States and
Germany, signed May 5, 1928 (Documents 834–839)
- Plans for a committee of experts to seek a final settlement of the
reparation problem (Documents 840–853)
- Disposal of unused balances of sums allocated to the Interallied Rhineland
High Commission for its administrative expenses (Documents 854–862)
- Agreement between the United States and Germany for extension of the
jurisdiction of the Mixed Claims Commission, United States and
Germany (Documents 863–865)
- Policy of the Department of State regarding American bankers’ loans to
German states and municipalities (Documents 866–875)
- Restrictive measures against American barley imported into Germany,
because of alleged injurious effect on animal health (Documents 876–895)
- New German regulations restricting importation of foreign motion-picture
films (Documents 896–900)
- Application of article XIV of the treaty of December 8, 1923, with respect
to licenses for commercial travelers (Documents 901–902)
- Taking by consular officers of testimony on oath of nationals of country
where consular officers reside (Documents 903–905)
- Arrangement between the United States and Germany for reciprocal
free-entry privileges for noncommissioned personnel of embassies and
consulates (Documents 906–913)
- Representations by the German Government regarding special tax on the use
of certain foreign-built boats in the United States (Documents 914–917)