
The Chargé in Egypt (Winship) to the Secretary of State

No. 20

Sir: I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of instruction No. 381, dated July 31, 1928, regarding American representation on the International Quarantine Board at Alexandria, and to report that I have this day addressed a Note to the Minister for Foreign Affairs expressing my Government’s appreciation of the act of the Egyptian Government in the matter, and stating that I have been instructed to nominate as the representative of the United States on said Board the American Consul at Alexandria, Mr. Raymond H. Geist. I have also written to Mr. Geist informing him in the matter and enclosing a copy of the instruction under acknowledgment as well as the copy of the letter dated July 3, 1928, from the Treasury Department and the Department of State’s reply.

I have [etc.]

North Winship