811.0141 Sw 2/103: Telegram

The Secretary of State to the Ambassador in Cuba (Judah)

76. Department’s instruction 109, March 31, and previous correspondence concerning the establishment of a meteorological station on Swan Island.

You may inform the Minister for Foreign Affairs that the appropriate Department of this Government is giving active consideration to the establishment of a meteorological station and light at Swan Island in the near future. It may be difficult to obtain the consideration of Congress at this late date for the establishment of a permanent station during the coming summer, but it is still possible that arrangements may be made for a temporary station during the next cyclonic season. In any case, if such a station is established, the meteorological observations available will be freely supplied to Cuba, Mexico and other countries which might find them valuable.

While the United States deeply appreciates the offer of the Cuban Government to share the expense of this station, it will not be necessary to ask the Cuban Government to do so. In the past this Government has consistently taken the position that the full expense for the maintenance of meteorological stations should devolve upon the Government having sovereignty over any particular location.
