The Consul at Tsinan (Price) to the Minister in China (MacMurray)4
Sir: I have the honor to refer to my despatch No. 3 of April 26, 1928 regarding the protection of American lives and property and to transmit herewith a revised list of all Americans, who so far as is known, are still in this consular district.5
From the list in question it will be noted that there are thirty-eight men, fifty women and three children in this district at the present time, or a total of ninety-one. Of this number eighteen are residing in territory now controlled by Nationalist or Kuominchun troops.
The Consulate is making every effort to induce the seventy-three American citizens residing in territory under northern control to withdraw as quickly and as quietly as possible to Tientsin, Tsingtao [Page 263] or other points of safety. The American missionaries at Nankwantao and Tungchang have assured the Consulate that they can and will withdraw by motor car should the southern advance continue.
As reported in my despatch No. 3 of April 26, 1928 efforts were being made to secure a special military pass in order that a motor car might be again sent down to Taian to effect the withdrawal of such American citizens as might wish to leave that city. It gives me pleasure to report that three additional American missionaries arrived in Tsinan safely this morning. These missionaries report that the remaining eight American citizens in Taian have more or less definitely decided to stay on.
American citizens residing in Tsinan and at various points along the Kiaochi Railway are gradually withdrawing and I shall not fail to notify the Legation of such withdrawals as occur subsequent to this despatch.
I have [etc.]