The Consul at Tsinan (Price) to the Minister in China (MacMurray)1
Sir: With further reference to this Consulate’s telegram of 3 P.M., today,2 I have the honor to state that, immediately upon the receipt of the report of the murder of Dr. Walter F. Seymour,3 I circularized such of the Americans still remaining in the Tsinan consular district as it was possible to communicate with, reiterating, most strongly, the previous advice given by this office that they withdraw either to Tsingtao or to Tientsin. Through the Commissioner for Foreign Affairs I have obtained the promise of a special military pass, to be sent me early tomorrow morning, for a Chinese pastor who has agreed to go by motor-car to the partially beleaguered city of Taian, where there are thirteen Americans. Although these Americans only three days ago refused to leave when [Page 262] transportation was made available, it is hoped that, in view of the tragic case of Dr. Seymour, some of them may be yet persuaded to leave.
As to the other Americans enumerated in Consul Stanton’s despatch of April 22nd [20th?]3a as still within Southern controlled territory, nothing has been heard from them and it is impossible to get word through to them.
According to the best information at the disposal of this office at present, Americans remaining in the Tsinan consular district as of April 26, 1928, numbered 40 men, 55 women, 7 children, a total of 102, of whom 15 men, 12 women, 2 children, are in Tsinan, and the rest scattered in 18 different cities. Of these 18 cities, exclusive of Tsinan, 10 are in Northern, and 8 in Southern, control.
It is too early to say whether any more will leave upon the advice of the Consulate just reiterated, but it seems likely that the numbers will be somewhat reduced soon, if the Southern forces continue to advance.
As soon as possible I shall send the Legation, with copies for the Department, not only revised lists of citizens remaining in the district, but also of American properties in the district. These lists are being prepared primarily, of course, for presentation to the local authorities, both those now in control and those that may take control here.
I have [etc.]