393.1163/244: Telegram

The Minister in China (MacMurray) to the Secretary of State

73. 1. In replying to request for instructions from Vice Consul Paxton25 I am quoting to him the Department’s number 298, July 28, 4 p.m.,26 adding the following:

“It would appear that in its practical concrete application to existing circumstances, the policy thus indicated would involve conclusions which are formulated as follows:

Protection of life to be afforded by diplomatic means everywhere, although with urgent advice to remove from exposed positions to those points where force can and will be used in case of necessity.
Protection of property to be afforded by diplomatic means [Page 214] everywhere (to the extent of protests and requests), but by force only as incidental to the protection of life.”

2. I trust this information correctly represents your views as to the nature and degree of protection it is possible to afford under present conditions.

  1. J. Hall Paxton, vice consul in charge at Nanking, temporarily at Chinkiang.
  2. Foreign Relations, 1927, vol. ii, p. 139.