711.672/556: Telegram
The High Commissioner in Turkey (Bristol) to the Secretary of State
[Received February 7—10:20 a.m.]
9. My telegram No. 6, dated February 3, 11 p.m. Below is the text of draft note which was submitted to [by] me today.25
“Article 1. The United States of America and Turkey are agreed to reestablish between themselves diplomatic and consular relations, based upon the principles of international law. They are further agreed to the appointment of Ambassadors as soon as possible. Their diplomatic and consular representatives shall enjoy on the basis of reciprocity in the territory of other the treatment recognized by international law.
“Article 2. (a) The United States of America and Turkey are agreed that, in conformity with international law and based upon the principle of complete reciprocity, commercial relations, consular relations, and establishment and residence relations of the nationals of the other party in their respective territories will be regularized by special conventions.
“(b) In the event the Turkish-American treaty, signed at Lausanne August 6, 1923, is ratified by the United States Senate during the present or the next regular session of Congress, the stipulations set forth in that treaty, together with its annexes, shall be considered as meeting the promise specified in paragraph (a), as regards the regularization of commercial, consular, and establishment and residence relations.
“(c) The United States of America and Turkey are agreed that the treaty of extradition signed at Lausanne August 6, 1923, shall, at a time mutually convenient to both Governments, be submitted for ratification. Further, that negotiations for a naturalization convention shall be undertaken within six months after the coming into effect of the consular convention and the establishment and residence [Page 788] convention, referred to in paragraph (a), or the coming into effect of the Turkish-American treaty, mentioned in paragraph (b). The question of claims shall be dealt with in accordance with the terms of the notes exchanged between the Turkish and American Governments at Constantinople on December 24, 1924 [1923]; it being understood however that the provisions of those notes will come into force six months after the exchange of ratifications of the commercial convention and the convention of establishment and residence, referred to in paragraph (a) of this article, in the event that the Turkish-American treaty, mentioned in paragraph (b), is not ratified.
“Article 3. Pending the coming into effect of the commercial convention, referred to in paragraph (a) of article number [2], or of the Turkish-American treaty, mentioned in paragraph (b) of the same article, the statics quo regarding commercial treaties between the United States and Turkey shall be preserved.
“Article 4. Pending the coming into effect of the consular convention and the convention of establishment and residence, referred to in paragraph (a) of article number 2, or of the Turkish-American treaty, mentioned in paragraph (b) of the same article, and with the said Turkish-American treaty and annexes serving as a guide, the status quo shall be preserved regarding the treatment and relations of Turkish nationals in the United States and of nationals of the United States in Turkey.
“Article 5. The final draft of this note shall be submitted to both Governments, etc., etc.”
The Minister stated that his draft note was not yet completed, but that it would be placed in my hands not later than tomorrow evening. Our conversation, under the circumstances, was short [of?] any further developments.
- Quotation not paraphrased.↩