
The American Legation to the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs3

No. 452

The American Legation presents its compliments to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and has the honor to inform the Ministry that a reenforcement to the American forces maintained at Tientsin under the authorization of the Boxer Protocol, consisting of one regiment of Marines, has been despatched to Tientsin and will arrive at Taku Bar on or about June 4, 1927.

These reenforcements have been despatched to Tientsin solely for the purpose of protecting American lives and property, and although the American Government has every expectation that in the event of civil warfare in North China, complete protection will be given American lives and property, recent events in South China make it imperative [Page 127] that the American Government take the necessary steps to provide against the repetition of any such incidents.

These additional forces will be withdrawn as soon as it is demonstrated that their presence is no longer required.

  1. Copy transmitted to the Department by the Minister in China as an enclosure to his despatch No. 1098, June 16; received Aug. 8.