755.93/11: Telegram

The Ambassador in Belgium (Phillips) to the Secretary of State

66. My despatch number 585, August 25. September 3, Chinese Minister presented to Foreign Office draft of modus vivendi in five articles containing China’s terms for 6 months’ period following expiration of treaty.

Article 2 provides for reciprocal recognition tariff autonomy with most-favored-nation treatment.

Article 3 is as follows:

“Principle of territorial jurisdiction of each country recognized and with a view to carrying out effect of above. China agrees for the time being, to tolerate temporary status quo of consuls’ jurisdiction, with the understanding that Belgium agrees to formal renunciation of consuls’ jurisdiction in the new treaty to be formed.”

My informant at the Foreign Office expressed great dissatisfaction with these terms but said that Belgian Government will await return of Minister of Foreign Affairs, now at Geneva, before formulating reply.
