721.2315/319: Telegram

The Ambassador in Peru (Poindexter) to the Secretary of State


84. This morning I interviewed the Minister for Foreign Affairs, Señor Rada y Gamio, and stated to him that my Government was greatly interested in the friendly settlement of the boundary question, dependent upon the ratification of the treaty of 1922, in view of the fact that Peru had requested the good offices of the United States in bringing about an agreement between Brazil, Colombia, and Peru on the boundary treaty and the objections to it raised by Brazil, and that the Government of the United States would look with much gratification on favorable action by Peru. I also stated that the matter had been postponed so often and over so long a period of time that I greatly hoped prompt action would be taken at the present session of Congress.

The Minister stated that on the first day he was in office the President had instructed him explicitly to take up the boundary treaty and press its ratification before Congress. He took from his pocket a copy of the treaty to show that he was giving it his immediate attention. He had been familiar with the matter for years, he said, and was ready to meet any objections which might be urged against it. He stated that a joint committee was now preparing a report on it, and as soon as this report was made a joint session of the House and Senate would be called to act on it, and that he felt sure it would be ratified within a month.

I had learned from previous conversations with the President that he had been awaiting a change of Ministers for Foreign Affairs before bringing the matter before Congress, and I am informed that Rada y [Page 539] Gamio was selected for his sympathy with the President’s views and his favorable attitude toward the ratification of the treaty. In view of my conversations with both the Minister and the President, I think it advisable to await developments for awhile before again urging the matter on the President’s attention. I am advised that he has taken strong measures at Iquitos to handle any situation that might arise as a result of the ratification of the treaty. Powerful opposition from Loreto still continues in the House of Deputies.

Day before yesterday I saw the Colombian Minister on the subject of the treaty; he stated that he regarded the matter as making favorable progress. I have also conferred recently with the Brazilian Chargé, who stated that he now regarded the outlook as favorable. For my part, I regard it as quite uncertain, considering the adverse sentiment that exists in Congress and among the Peruvians generally. After allowing a short time for developments in Congress I shall see the President again, and shall also urge activity by the Brazilian and Colombian representatives.
