721.2315/308: Telegram

The Secretary of State to the Ambassador in Peru (Poindexter)


70. Nearly two months have passed since President Leguía assured you that he was determined to obtain ratification of the Colombian-Peruvian boundary treaty, and as no word has been received that the treaty has been ratified, the Department wishes to be informed of the [Page 538] reasons for this long delay. Seek the earliest suitable opportunity to reiterate to the President, and also to Minister Rada y Gamio, if you think it desirable to do so, the views of this Government which you have already expressed on various occasions and urge that ratification of the treaty be effected at this session. Say that this Government would be highly gratified at this action on the part of Peru, in view of the interest which the Government of the United States has taken in this matter. You may, should you consider it advisable, approach the Brazilian and Colombian diplomatic representatives in Lima, and indicate to them the advisability of their taking action of a similar nature.
