500.C114/558: Telegram

The Consul at Geneva (Tuck) to the Secretary of State

I learn on good authority that a formula accepting Senate reservations on which drafting committee appointed by subcommittee conference signatories Statute Permanent Court has been working past week has been practically completed. This formula, it is understood, provides welcoming United States into Court with explanation rather than interpretation of fifth reservation and will state in substance that, as provided for in reservation, United States will enjoy same rights as most-favored members of League and, as nonmember of League, will keep the right of a nonmember nation not to appear (right such as Russia exercised dealing Eastern Carelian case).

It is reported that every possible concession is being made to frame reply which will satisfy United States demands and at same time safeguard interest of Court signatories. Formula now in hands of [Page 26] subcommittee of 14 which will report it this week for final approval to conference.32

  1. See League of Nations, Minutes of the Conference of States Signatories of the Protocol of Signature of the Statute of the Permanent Court of International Justice, Held at Geneva from September 1st to 23rd, 1926 (v.Legal.1926.v.26).