
The Italian Minister in China (Cerruti), Senior Minister, to the Chinese Minister for Foreign Affairs (Shen)88


Mr. Minister: I have the honor, in the name of my colleagues and in mine, to acknowledge the receipt of the note dated the fourth of [Page 657] this month which Your Excellency was good enough to address to me in regard to the disturbances at Shanghai.

While it is observed that the information received by the Chinese Government is incomplete, since it does not mention several attacks on foreigners, my colleagues and myself prefer to reserve our judgment until the receipt of additional information.

For this purpose the diplomatic representatives have decided to send to Shanghai, without delay, a delegation which will study the situation there and report to them.

In any case I wish to state to Your Excellency that the authorities of the International Concession, far from taking the violent altitude which the Chinese Government seems to attribute to them, maintained the greatest self-command, as is shown by the fact that during the last four days and in spite of numerous provocations, no serious incident has occurred at Shanghai.

I can renew to you the assurance already given orally that the Police of the International Concession has always had instructions to use its arms only if attacked and if it found itself in imminent danger. These orders have been renewed, specified, and will be strictly observed. No one desires more than the diplomatic representatives and the authorities of the International Concession to avoid further trouble.

Kindly accept [etc.]

V. Cerruti
  1. Transmitted by the American Minister in China as an enclosure to his despatch No. 3045, June 10; received July 11. The Minister reported the sending of this note in par. 5 of telegram No. 206, June 6, p. 658.