
[67] The Secretary of State to the Minister in Czechoslovakia (Einstein)

800.51 W 89Czechoslovakia/86a

[68] The Minister in Czechoslovakia (Einstein) to the Secretary of State

800.51 W 89Czechoslovakia/90: Telegram

[69] The Secretary of State to the Minister in Czechoslovakia (Einstein)

800.51 W 89Czechoslovakia/90: Telegram

[70] The Minister in Czechoslovakia (Einstein) to the Secretary of State

800.51 W 89Czeclioslovakia/92: Telegram

[71] The Acting Secretary of State to the Minister in Czechoslovakia (Einstein)

800.51 W 89Czechoslovakia/101: Telegram

[72] The Minister in Czechoslovakia (Einstein) to the Secretary of State

800.51 W 89Czechoslovakia/102: Telegram

[73] The Secretary of State to the Minister in Czechoslovakia (Einstein)

800.51 W 89Czechoslovakia/99: Telegram

[74] The Secretary of State to the Minister in Czechoslovakia (Einstein)

800.51 W 89Czechoslovakia/104: Telegram

[75] The Minister in Czechoslovakia (Einstein) to the Secretary of State

800.51 W 89Czechoslovakia/105: Telegram

[76] The Acting Secretary of State to the Minister in Czechoslovakia (Einstein)

800.51 W 89Czechoslovakia/110: Telegram

[77] The Czechoslovak Chargé (Lípa) to the Secretary of State

800.51 W 89Czechoslovakia/119