500.A14/294: Telegram

The Chairman of the American Delegation (Burton) to the Secretary of State

60. Department’s 50, June 3, 7 p.m. Resolution substantially identical with your proposed resolution prohibiting exportation of gas almost unanimously rejected in committee on the ground that Pacific Ocean [sic] placed nonproducing countries at a disadvantage and was technically impracticable. Suggestion of separate adherence to article 5 of Washington treaty also was criticized on the ground that treaty had not been ratified. Delegation does not regard the convening of a formal conference to deal with this subject as necessary [Page 58] but refers to suggestion in [my] number 54,57 that diplomatic representatives at Washington or such other representatives as countries might desire to send could meet with the Secretary of State on the call of the President. Form of convention might be taken almost bodily from Washington treaty. Should be glad to receive further instructions as soon as possible.58

  1. Ante, p. 55.
  2. No further action appears to have been taken.