
The Minister in Albania (Hart) to the Secretary of State

No. 46

Sir: Inviting attention to my telegram No. 63, December 14, 8 p.m.,30 and my despatch No. 44 of December 16, I have the honor to report that Albania’s pledges to the American government made on June 25, 1922, (See Mr. Blake’s despatch No. 3 of August 2, 1922), became the law of the land on December 28, 1925, by publication in the Official Gazette, government organ.

President Ahmet Zogu signed the measure on December 21, just seven days after parliament had given its unanimous approval. The President’s sanction reads: [Page 515]

“We the President of the Albanian Republic, approve this law passed by the legislative bodies and decree its application.

“Tirana, the 21st of December, 1925.

“A. Zogu”

“Musa Juka,
Minister of Public Works and Minister
a. i. of the Interior and for Foreign Affairs.”

The Minister for Foreign Affairs, Hussein Vrioni, was absent at the time the law was signed which accounts for the signature of Musa Juka as Minister ad interim for Foreign Affairs.

I have [etc.]

Chas. C. Hart
  1. Not printed.