721.2315/162: Telegram

The Secretary of State to the Ambassador in Brazil (Morgan)

16. Your 16, February 24, 6 p.m. Gracie presented Brazilian proposed modifications yesterday afternoon. He was told that the minor modifications including change of “formal protest” to “observations of a friendly nature” would be submitted to Colombian Minister and Peruvian Ambassador and if acceptable to them would of course be acceptable to the Department. As regards modified description of boundary and navigation rights it appeared that this would require submission to Bogotá and Lima and hence would delay matter to such an extent as to make conclusion before March 4, impossible. He telegraphed to this effect last night and this morning received cable from his Government stating that it did not desire to cause any delay and would accept the Procès Verbal as drawn up but would like to have “formal protest” modified. Colombian Minister and Peruvian Ambassador this morning accepted the minor modifications proposed and Gracie is telegraphing this afternoon for authorization to sign. Colombian Minister has received authorization. Ambassador at Lima reports Peruvian Government waiting word from Rio before sending instructions. Please endeavor to have instructions to Gracie expedited and if possible to have Brazilian Minister in Lima so informed for information of Peruvian Government.

Please express to Minister for Foreign Affairs Department’s appreciation of his cooperation in withdrawing modifications of boundary line and navigation rights.
