
The French Ambassador (Daeschner) to the Secretary of State


Mr. Secretary of State: By a note dated July 13, I had the honor to inform Your Excellency that the French Government could not retain the word “entity” in the draft for the wording of the clause relative to the adherence of Russia to the treaty concerning Spitzbergen, and suggested that the phrase “political organism” be put in its place.

Since then, informal conversations between Mr. Haupt and one of the members of the Embassy have brought out the fact that the Federal Government would prefer the phrase “political organization.”

My Government, to which I reported that wish, sees no objection to that suggestion. Under those conditions I should be thankful to Your Excellency if you would kindly let me know whether the United States Government accepts the draft with that change therein that was enclosed in my note of April 7 last.

Be pleased [etc.]

E. Daeschner
  1. File translation revised.