
The French Ambassador ( Daeschner ) to the Secretary of State


Referring to the letter of His Excellency, the Secretary of State, dated July 3, 1925, the Ambassador of the French Republic to the United States has the honor to inform him that he referred to the [Page 207] Government of the Republic the draft for the wording of the clause relative to the adherence of Russia to the Spitzbergen Treaty, in which the American Government suggested that the word “entity” be used instead of “federation.”

Mr. Daeschner has the honor to inform the Honorable Frank B. Kellogg that the French Government does not believe it possible to retain the term “entity.” As a matter of fact, it has in the French language a purely abstract meaning which would preclude its being used in this circumstance.

The Government of the Republic, therefore, suggests the phrase “political organism”, the rather broad meaning of which appears to it to meet the legitimate scruples of the Government of the United States.

Mr. Daeschner is glad to take this opportunity to renew to the Honorable Frank B. Kellogg the assurances of his high consideration.

  1. File translation revised