- African territories under mandate, U. S. negotiations with Great Britain for treaty to ensure rights, 193–196
- Agreements. See Treaties, conventions, etc.
- Airship constructed in Germany for United States. See Germany: Dirigible.
- Alien land laws of California and Washington. See Great Britain: British Indians; and under Japan.
- Amundsen, Roald, 518–520
- Anglo-Persian Oil Co., interest in oil concessions in Northern Persia, 539–541, 542–543, 544–545, 549–550
- Arbitration (see also Haiti; Netherlands: Agreement with United States; Reparations: Tank ships; and under Sweden), British suggestion in connection with U. S. claims to right of participation in reparation payments, 125, 132
- Arms and munitions of war. See under Honduras; Mexico; Turkey.
- Arms Traffic Convention of 1919, 740, 741, 742
- Army costs agreement. See under Reparations.
- Austria, U. S. instructions to Minister for guidance in relations with Soviet Minister in Austria, 675, 676n
- Ayacucho, Battle of. See Peru: Centennial celebration.
- Baldwin Locomotive Co., 619, 619–620, 623, 626, 627, 628, 641, 643, 644, 649
- Bank of the Parisian Union. See Haiti.
- Belgium (see also Germany: Dirigible; Morocco; Reparations; Rumania; Extraterritorial rights and Taxation of foreigners under Persia), war debt to Allies, 66–67; to United States, 25, 36, 66–67, 71, 87, 110–111, 113, 134
- Bermuda. See Germany: Dirigible.
- Blair & Co., loan negotiations with Persia, 545, 548
- Brooks, Russell M., U. S. vice consul at Newcastle-on-Tyne. See Great Britain: U. S. consular officers.
- Bulgaria: Recognition of Greek Government, 268; reparation payments, U. S. claim to right of participation, 152–156
- Cameroons and Togoland, U. S. negotiations with Great Britain for treaty to ensure rights, 193–196
- Canada. See Germany: Dirigible.
- Capitulations (see also Extraterritorial rights and Taxation under Persia), U. S. efforts to maintain rights in Palestine, 197–203
- Central American Republics. See Guatemala; Honduras; Nicaragua.
- Chase National Bank, 620n, 626, 627n, 628, 640
- China. See Japan: South Manchuria Railway Zone.
- Claims agreement, U. S.–Germany (1922), 1, 2, 87, 105–106
- Claims Commission, Mixed, U. S.–Germany. See Reparations: U. S. claims: Damages.
- Commercial treaties and agreements:
- British-Japanese negotiations, U. S. and British opposition to Japanese proposal for assimilation of South Manchuria Railway Zone with Japanese territory for tariff purposes, 414–417
- U. S.–Germany (Dec. 8, 1923), letter from Secretary of State to Senator Lodge urging ratification, 183–192
- U. S.–Germany–Great Britain, 1899, alleged violation by New Zealand, 241, 242, 243–244, 245, 245–246
- U. S–Greece. See Greece: Exchange of notes.
- U. S.–Guatemala, exchange of notes according mutual unconditional most-favored-nation treatment in customs matters, 290–292
- U. S.–Japan: 1894, cited, 399, 405; 1911, provisions, discussion in connection with immigration question, 335–336, 385–388, 399–400, 405–407, 410
- U. S–Netherlands, proposed. See Netherlands: Treaty.
- U. S.–Nicaragua. See Nicaragua: Exchange of notes.
- U. S.–Spain. See Commercial modus Vivendi and Treaty of friendship and commerce under Spain.
- Commissions, committees, etc.:
- Experts’ committees. See under Reparations.
- Hellenic International Financial Commission, 283, 285
- Mixed Claims Commission, U. S.–Germany, claims adjudicated by. See Reparations: U. S. claims: Damages.
- Reparation Commission. See under Reparations.
- Sanitary Commission for Turkey, appointment of an American to participate in consultative capacity, 743–745
- Communist propaganda in United States directed from Russia, 683
- Concessions, contracts, etc. See Iraq; Union of Soviet Socialist Republics: Sinclair Exploration Co.; Oil concessions and Railway and motor-road construction under Persia.
- Conferences, international:
- Allied Finance Ministers’ Conference. See Reparations: Finance Ministers’ Conference.
- Amapala, Conference at. See under Honduras: Efforts of United States and Central American Republics to bring about peace.
- London Reparation Conference. See under Reparations.
- Consular rights, U. S. negotiations with Great Britain relative to mandated territories, 204–205, 208, 209
- Conventions. See Treaties, conventions, etc.
- Coolidge, Calvin (see also
Japan: Immigration):
- Approval of Secretary of State’s recommendation for U. S. recognition of Greek Government, 265
- Approval of U. S. negotiation of customs arrangement with Nicaragua, 513
- Invitation to Peruvian centennial celebration of Battle of Ayacucho, and acknowledgment, 592–593
- Proclamations respecting exportation of arms and munitions of war to Honduras, 322–323, 324; to Mexico, 428–429
- Speech at meeting of Associated Press, excerpts concerning Dawes Plan for reparation payments, 13–15
- Costa Rica. See Honduras.
- Czechoslovakia, attitude regarding Rumanian legislation affecting foreign creditors, 653–654, 655
- Dawes Plan. See Reparations: Experts’ Plan.
- Denmark, consent to subordination of relief-bond priority to Hungarian reconstruction loan, 331
- Deutsch-Amerikanische Petroleum Gesellschaft, tank ships. See Reparations: Tank ships.
- Dirigible constructed in Germany for United States. See under Germany.
- East Africa, U. S. negotiations with Great Britain for treaty to ensure rights, 193–196
- Egypt, Swiss interests in, U. S. consular protection, 705–708
- Equitable Trust Co., 620n, 626, 627n, 628, 640
- Extradition:
- Extraterritoriality (see also Extraterritorial rights and Taxation of foreigners under Persia), possibility of suspension of U. S. extraterritorial rights in Tangier Zone, 461–472
- Finland, U. S. instructions to Chargé for guidance in relations with Soviet Minister in Finland, 675–677
- France (see also Germany: Dirigible; Greece: Refugee loan; Haiti; Morocco; Persia; Reparations; Rumania): Hungarian reconstruction loan, French consent to subordination of relief-bond priority to, 330, 331; loan in United States, proposed. U. S. attitude, 72–73; recognition of Greek Government, attitude regarding, 268; Sanitary Commission for Turkey, correspondence with United States regarding U. S. appointment of representative, 743n, 744n, 745n; Turkish Petroleum Co., Ltd., French interests, 229
- Germany (see also
- Dirigible, ZR–3, constructed
for United States, delivery to United States:
- Permissions for flight over territories of other
countries, correspondence relating to—
- Belgium, 170n, 171, 176, 178
- Bermuda, 174, 178, 179
- Canada, 180, 182
- France, 170n, 170–171, 175, 178, 179–180, 180–181, 182
- Germany, 176–177, 181–182
- Great Britain and Northern Ireland, 170, 173, 174, 177, 178, 179, 182
- Irish Free State, 174, 178, 179
- Netherlands, 170n, 172, 176
- Newfoundland, 180, 182
- Portugal, 170n, 172
- Spain, 170n, 172, 173–174, 175
- Switzerland, 170n, 171
- U. S. official acceptance of airship, 183
- Permissions for flight over territories of other
countries, correspondence relating to—
- Treaty of friendship, commerce, and consular rights with United States (Dec. 8, 1923), letter from Secretary of State to Senator Lodge urging ratification, 183–192
- Dirigible, ZR–3, constructed
for United States, delivery to United States:
- Gilbert, S. Parker, appointment as Agent General for reparation payments under Dawes Plan, 138, 139
- Great Britain (see also
Germany: Dirigible; Greece: Refugee loan;
Iraq; Irish Free
State; Mandates; Morocco; New Zealand; Persia; Reparations; Rumania):
- British Indians, ineligibility to citizenship in United States by ruling of U. S. Supreme Court:
- Hindus. See British Indians, supra.
- Hungary, reconstruction loan: British consent to subordination of relief-bond priority to, 331; Hungarian negotiations with British interests, 330
- Japanese proposal to assimilate South Manchuria Railway Zone with Japanese territory for tariff purposes, British and U. S. opposition, 414–417
- Mexico, expulsion of British Chargé. See Mexico: British Chargé.
- Oil exploitation in Iraq. See Iraq: Turkish Petroleum Co., Ltd.
- Recognition of Greek Government, 268
- Turkey: Arms exports to Turkey, British policy, 739–741, 742–743; Sanitary Commission for Turkey, British correspondence with United States regarding U. S. appointment of representative, 743–745
- Turkish Petroleum Co., Ltd. See under Iraq.
- U. S. consular officers at Newcastle-on-Tyne, settlement of U. S. dispute with Great Britain over British withdrawal of recognition, 249–252
- Greece:
- Exchange of notes with United States according mutual unconditional most-favored-nation treatment in customs matters: Negotiations, 273–279; text, 279–281; U. S. consideration of notes as in lieu of suggested temporary convention, 281, 282: U. S. formal confirmation, 281–282
- Political situation: Cabinet changes, 267, 268, 269, 269–270; conflict between republican and royalist factions, 267, 267–268, 269–270; establishment of republican form of government, 270–271, 272
- Recognition of Government by—
- Refugee loan:
- Hellenic International Financial Commission, 283, 285
- Loan agreement of 1918, release of veto power by United States, France, and Great Britain to promote conclusion of refugee loan, 282–285
- Protocol of Geneva of Sept. 29, 1923, proposed modifications concerning Greek guarantees and amount of loan, 283, 285–286; U. S. attitude, 287
- U. S. bankers, participation, 288–289
- U. S. consent to pledge of further securities by Greece for loan: Inquiries as to U. S. views by France and Greece, 282–283, 285–286; U. S. replies, 284–285, 286–287
- Treaty of commerce with United States, proposed, exchange of notes pending conclusion of. See Exchange of notes, supra.
- Guatemala (see also Honduras): Exchange of notes with United States according mutual unconditional most-favored-nation treatment in customs matters, 290–292; inquiry as to U. S. attitude toward validity of Nicaraguan elections, 505
- Gulbenkian, G. S., obstructive attitude in connection with Turkish Petroleum Co.’s concession in Iraq, 229–236
- Haiti, loan of 1910, request by Bank of the Parisian Union for arbitration of question of redemption in gold:
- Hindus. See British Indians under Great Britain.
- Honduras:
- Arms and munitions of war, U. S. Presidential proclamations respecting exportation to Honduras, 321–323, 324
- Efforts of United States and Central American
Republics to bring about peace and reestablish constitutional
- Conference at Amapala:
- Declaration by Central American Republics, 319–320
- Election of Provisional President, 314, 315
- Honduran delegates, preliminary meeting, 310, 311–312
- Invitations and responses, 311, 312–313
- Negotiations leading to, 306–310
- Nicaraguan suggestion for standing commission of mediation, 316
- Pact of Amapala. See Pact of Amapala, infra.
- Proceedings, 314, 315–316, 319–320
- Guatemalan proposal, 302
- Pact of Amapala providing for Provisional Government: Preliminary agreement, Apr. 28, 314, 315; report concerning formal approval, 316, 319; text signed May 3, 317–319
- U. S. special representative to offer friendly aid:
- Appointment and instructions, 300–304, 306
- Attitude regarding joint action of United States and Central American Republics, 304–306, 309; peace pact of Amapala conference, 314, 315–316
- Commendation, 315
- Departure from Honduras, 320
- Negotiations with revolutionary leaders and Council of Ministers, 306–310
- Conference at Amapala:
- Political situation. See Efforts of United States and Central American Republics to bring about peace, supra.
- Provisional Government (see also Efforts of United States and Central American Republics to bring about peace: Pact of Amapala, supra): Amnesty decree, 321; national assembly, convocation, 321; President, election, 314, 315; suggestions of U. S. representative concerning establishment, 306–307; U. S. policy, 303–304, 314, 315
- Revolutionary activities (see also Efforts of United States and Central American Republics to bring about peace, supra), 300, 301, 305, 308, 314
- Hungary:
- Imbrie, Robert W., U. S. vice consul at Teheran, Persia, 539, 547, 548–549, 585, 586, 587, 590
- Immigration Act of 1924 (U. S.). See Japan: Immigration.
- International Harvester Co., 649, 657
- International Telephone and Telegraph Co., concession for exclusive telephone rights in Spain, 692–694
- Iraq, oil concessions:
- Open-door policy of United States, 226, 227, 231–232, 233–234, 237–238
- Turkish Petroleum Co., Ltd.:
- Concession (see also U. S. interests, infra), U. S. maintenance of position regarding nonvalidity of 1914 arrangement, 233, 238
- Gulbenkian, G. S., proposals. See U. S. interests: Obstacles created by G. S. Gulbenkian, infra.
- Standard Oil Co. of New Jersey, negotiations for participation. See U. S. interests, infra.
- U. S. interests, negotiations with company
for participation in oil development in Iraq:
- Draft convention between Iraq Government and company for new concession, difficulties over art. 34, 222–229, 239–241; U. S. position, 224
- Obstacles created by G. S. Gulbenkian, 229–232; U. S. representations to Great Britain and subsequent British efforts for settlement, 232–236
- Procedure agreed upon by all groups, 236–237; position of U. S. interests, 237–238
- Working agreement: Attitude of British Government, 236; of French interests, 229
- Irish Free State (see also Germany: Dirigible): Minister to United States, accrediting by Great Britain, 246–248; U. S.-British property convention of Mar. 2, 1899, application to Irish Free State, 248–249
- Italy (see also Morocco; Reparations; Extraterritorial rights and Taxation of foreigners under Persia): Recognition of Greek Government, position regarding, 268, 272; Rumanian legislation affecting foreign creditors, attitude regarding, 653–654, 655; Sanitary Commission for Turkey, correspondence with United States regarding U. S. appointment of representative, 743n, 744n, 745n
- Japan (see also
Union of Soviet Socialist Republics: Sinclair Exploration Co.):
- Alien land laws of California and Washington, Japanese statement in connection with U. S. Supreme Court decisions upholding validity, 333–334
- Attitude regarding U. S. insistence on right to participate in reparation payments under Dawes Plan, 92, 107–108, 112–113, 116
- Expatriation law. See Legislation, infra.
- Gentlemen’s Agreement (see also Immigration, infra): Abrogation following passage of U. S. Immigration Act of 1924, 388, 401, 402, 408; nature and purpose, 335, 337–338, 369–374, 391–392, 400; résumé 339–345; U. S.-Japanese correspondence, 1907–8, 345–369; U. S. Senate debate over question of retention, 375–379
- Immigration of Japanese into United States (see also
Alien land laws
Gentlemen’s Agreement, supra), U. S. legislation containing provision excluding
aliens ineligible to U. S. citizenship:
- America-Japan Society, appeal to President Coolidge, 384–385
- Approval by President Coolidge:
- Attitude of Japanese public and press, 372, 374–375, 383–384, 385, 389, 395, 397, 402–403
- Controversy in U. S. Senate in connection with wording in Japanese Ambassador’s note, 375–383
- Negotiations of United States and Japan: Controversy in U. S. Senate as result of wording in Japanese Ambassador’s note, 375–383, 410; Morris-Shidehara draft, possible basis of future negotiations, 389, 390; position of U. S. Secretary of State and President Coolidge, 393–395, 410; representations of Japan, 334–337, 369–373; rights of Japan under Treaty of 1911, discussion, 385–388; Shidehara and Saburi, assignment to direct negotiations for Japan, 389
- Progress of legislation in Congress, 334, 337, 374n, 375–379, 388–389, 390
- Protest of Japan following passage of bill, 397–401; U. S. reply, 403–408
- Proviso regarding abrogation of Gentlemen’s Agreement, 388–389, 390
- Shidehara, Baron: Morris–Shidehara draft, 389, 390; Speech at opening of Japanese Diet, July 1, 1924, 408–410; statement before Diet, Jan. 22, 1925, 411; U. S.-Japanese negotiations, part in, 389
- Summary of exclusion clause and comparison to arrangement under Gentlemen’s Agreement, 404–405
- Langdon, Lieut. Warren H. (U. S. Navy), financial settlement by Japan for fatal shooting by Japanese sentry at Vladivostok in 1921, 417–421
- Legislation to provide for expatriation of children born to Japanese parents in United States and certain other countries, 333–334, 411–413
- Shidehara, Baron. See under Immigration, supra.
- South Manchuria Railway Zone, U. S. and British opposition to Japanese proposal to assimilate with Japanese territory for tariff purposes, 414–417
- Treaties with United States: 1894, cited, 399, 405; 1911, provisions, discussion in connection with immigration question, 335–336, 385–388, 399–400, 405–407, 410
- U. S. immigration legislation. See Immigration, supra.
- King, Surg. W. W., appointment as U. S. representative to participate in consultative capacity in work of Sanitary Commission for Turkey, 745
- Langdon, Lieut. Warren H. (U. S. Navy), financial settlement by Japan for fatal shooting by Japanese sentry at Vladivostok in 1921, 417–421
- Lausanne Conference, résumé of U. S. participation and negotiations for treaties with Turkey, 715–724
- League of Nations:
- Greek refugee loan under auspices of. See Greece: Refugee loan.
- Hungarian financial reconstruction, plan for, 325, 326
- Lithuania, extradition treaty with United States, text signed Apr. 9, 422–427
- Loans. See Greece: Refugee loan; Haiti; Hungary; and under France; Persia; Reparations.
- Mandates:
- Cameroons and Togoland, U. S. negotiations with Great Britain for treaty to ensure rights, 193–196
- Capitulations, U. S. efforts to maintain rights in Palestine, 197–203
- Consular rights, U. S. negotiations with Great Britain, 204–205, 208, 209
- East Africa, U. S. negotiations with Great Britain for treaty to ensure rights, 193–196
- Extradition, U. S. negotiations with Great Britain, 204, 205
- Most-favored-nation treatment, U. S. negotiations with Great Britain, 206, 209, 210, 212
- Open-door policy with respect to oil concessions in Iraq, 226, 227, 231–232, 233–234, 237–238
- Palestine:
- Convention between United States and Great Britain to ensure U. S. rights: Negotiations (see also U. S. efforts to maintain capitulatory rights, infra), 203–212; text signed Dec. 8, 212–222
- U. S. efforts to maintain capitulatory rights: Case of Israel Hanovich, 197–199; import duties into Palestine, question of increase, 199–200, 202; Skora case, 201, 202–203
- Samoa, discriminatory tariff imposed by New Zealand in violation of mandate principle, 241–246
- Togoland. See Cameroons and Togoland, supra.
- Mesopotamia. See Iraq.
- Mexico:
- Arms and munitions of war, U. S. embargo on shipment except to recognized Government, 428–431
- British Chargé expulsion from Mexico:
- Decree of expulsion and status of case, 447–449; British position, 448, 449, 450
- Efforts of United States and U. S. Chargé to facilitate departure, 450–454, 455
- Reports concerning departure, 453, 454–455
- Representations of diplomatic corps, 449
- U. S. exercise of good offices for protection of British interests in Mexico, 454–455, 455
- Constitutional Government (see also Insurgents in Mexican ports and U. S. citizens, infra):
- Huerta, Adolfo de la. See Insurgents, infra.
- Insurgents in Mexican ports, conflict with Government forces (see also Constitutional Government, supra, and U. S. citizens, infra):
- Troops, U. S. permission for crossing American soil, 431
- U. S. citizens engaged in commerce in Mexico (see also Constitutional Government: Interference, supra):
- U. S., instructions to Ambassador in Mexico for guidance in relations with Soviet Minister, 676n, 677
- Morocco, convention of Dee. 18, 1923, in regard to Statute of Tangier:
- Morris–Shidehara draft, 389, 390
- Most-favored-nation treatment:
- Arrangement between United States and Spain, proposed, 691–692
- Benefits accorded to U. S. and British citizens in Persia, 581
- Exchange of notes between United States and—
- U. S. negotiations with Great Britain relative to mandated territory, 206, 209, 210, 212
- U. S. policy, explanation of Secretary of State, 189–192
- Narcotics Conference, International. See under Persia.
- Netherlands (see also
Germany: Dirigible; Morocco; Rumania):
- Agreement with United States renewing arbitration convention of May 2, 1908, and supplementary exchange of notes: Negotiations, 473–474; texts signed Feb. 13, 474–476
- Consent to subordination of relief-bond priority to Hungarian reconstruction loan, 331
- Treaty of friendship, commerce, and consular rights with United States, proposed:
- New Zealand, trade discrimination in Samoa against United States, U. S. representations, 241–242; New Zealand’s countercomplaint and proposal of reciprocal assurances, 242–246
- Newfoundland. See Germany: Dirigible.
- Nicaragua (see also
- Elections:
- Candidates for Presidency, proposed, U. S. expression of attitude in reply to Nicaraguan inquiry, 509
- Military forces, Nicaraguan, U. S. concern over proposed use, 500
- President Martinez, possible candidacy for reelection, U. S. policy regarding, 506–507, 508; Martinez’s attitude and withdrawal of candidacy, 507, 508
- Results, 503
- U. S. efforts to ensure free and fair elections:
- Activities of U. S. Legation and American experts, instructions and arrangements regarding, 487–490, 496–497
- Supervision of elections, U. S. proposals for (see also U. S. marines, infra), 491–493, 494–495; Nicaraguan rejection, 493–494, 496
- Technical adviser to electoral authorities, U. S. proposal and Nicaraguan assent, 490–491
- U. S. marines, possible utilization as observers, question of, 495, 490–499, 500–502
- Validity: Reports concerning protests in certain cantons, 502–503; U. S. attitude, 503–505
- Exchange of notes with United States according mutual unconditional most-favored-nation treatment in customs matters: Correspondence between U. S. Secretary of State and President Coolidge regarding proposed arrangement, 512–513; negotiations, 510–512, 513–514; texts, 514–517
- President Martinez. See under Elections, supra.
- President-elect Solorzano, U. S. suggestions for written assurances regarding administration, 504–505; Solorzano’s assurances, 505–506
- Solorzano, Carlos. See President-elect, supra.
- U. S. attitude toward Solorzano administration, 505
- Elections:
- Norway: Consent to subordination of relief-bond priority to Hungarian reconstruction loan, 331; rights of sovereignty over polar areas based upon taking possession after discovery, refusal of U. S. Secretary of State to admit, 518–520
- Oil exploitation. See Iraq; Rumania: Mining Law; Union of Soviet Socialist Republics: Sinclair Exploration Co.; and under Persia.
- Open-door policy, U. S. maintenance with respect to oil concessions in Iraq, 226, 227, 231–232, 233–234, 237–238
- Opium traffic. See under Persia.
- Palestine. See under Mandates.
- Panama, agreements with United States:
- Taft Agreement, proposed treaty to replace. See Treaty to replace Taft Agreement, infra.
- Treaty of 1903 (Hay–Bunau Varilla treaty), 524, 525–526, 529, 530–531
- Treaty to replace Taft Agreement, inconclusive negotiations for: Arrangements for negotiations, 521–523; discussions between United States and President Porras, proposals and counter-proposals, 524–527, 531–536; failure to conclude negotiations, 536–537; résumé of negotiations, 527–531
- Permanent Court of International Justice, arrangements between United States and other governments for possible submission of disputes to: Netherlands, 473–474, 475–476; Sweden, 697–698, 698–699, 700, 701, 703–704
- Persia:
- Extraterritorial rights of United States and other powers (see also Taxation of foreigners in Persia, infra):
- Financial Adviser, 583, 584, 585–586, 587–588, 588
- Imbrie, Robert W., U. S. vice consul at Teheran, 539, 547, 548–549, 585, 586, 587, 590
- Loan provided for in Sinclair Exploration Co. contract (see also under Railway and motor-road construction: Ulen & Co., infra), 545, 546, 548, 549, 551, 553
- Narcotics Conference, International, participation: Persian attitude, 590–591; representative, 588, 589; U. S. desire, 586, 588
- Oil concessions in Northern Persia:
- British interests (see also U. S. interests: Standard Oil Co., infra), Persian attitude, 549–550
- Russian influence, 550
- U. S. interests:
- Negotiations, résumé 541–545; Persian attitude, 542
- Opinion of U. S. Chargé regarding American participation in oil development in Persia, 549–551
- Sinclair Exploration Co. contract: British protest against ratification, 545–546; claims of Standard Oil Co., 541, 544, 545; delay in confirmation by Persian Mejliss, 545–546, 546–547, 548, 551–552; interruption in negotiations, 547–548, 548–549, 552n; loan provision, 545, 546, 548, 549, 551, 553
- Standard Oil Co. of New Jersey (see also Sinclair Exploration Co. contract, supra), association with British interests in Khoshtaria concession, 539–541, 542–543, 544–545; Persian attitude, 545
- Opium traffic from ports in Persian Gulf to the Far East (see also Narcotics Conference, supra), British efforts to restrict:
- Railway and motor-road construction:
- Persian Railways Syndicate, 556–557, 558–559, 564
- Ulen & Co., negotiations for contract:
- British interests, claims to railway rights in Persia, 556–557, 558–559, 564
- Discontinuance of negotiations, 565
- Loan for construction purposes: Cooperation of company with Sinclair Exploration Co. based on loan provision of Sinclair oil concession, proposals, 552–555, 559–560; U. S. attitude, 558
- Memorandum of agreement between Persian Government and Ulen & Co., Apr. 27, 561–564
- Persian attitude, 554, 556, 557
- Taxation of foreigners in Persia, question of (see also Extraterritorial rights, supra):
- Peru, centennial celebration of Battle of Ayacucho:
- Portugal. See Germany: Dirigible; Morocco.
- President of United States. See Coolidge, Calvin.
- Protocols. See Treaties, conventions, etc.
- Railways. See under Persia.
- Refugee loan. See under Greece.
- Relief bonds, Hungarian. See Hungary.
- Reparations, German:
- Agent General for payments under Dawes Plan, appointment of an American, 48, 51, 135–139
- Allied Finance Ministers’ Agreement of Mar. 11, 1922, 66, 152
- Allied Finance Ministers’ Conference at Paris. See Finance Ministers’ Conference, infra.
- Army costs agreement of May 25, 1923, 1, 3, 5, 9, 17, 19, 20, 37–38, 40–41, 42, 86–87, 96, 111, 113, 115, 117, 126–127, 127–128, 131–132, 133, 134, 140–145, 152, 153–154, 155
- Conferences. See Finance Ministers’ Conference and London Reparation Conference, infra.
- Dawes Report. See Experts’ Plan, infra.
- Deliveries in kind, 37–38
- Distribution of payments, conference to deal with. See Finance Ministers’ Conference, infra.
- Economic and fiscal unity of Germany, plan for restoration, 49
- Experts’ committees (see also Experts’ Plan, infra), U. S. position in connection with negotiations of, 1–11
- Experts’ Plan:
- Acceptance: Attitude of Belgium, France, Germany, and Italy, 12; British approval and efforts to secure unanimous acceptance, 11–12, 12–13; speech of President Coolidge, 13–15
- Agent General for payments under plan, appointment of an American, 48, 51, 135–139
- Finance Ministers’ Conference at Paris concerning distribution. See Finance Ministers’ Conference, infra.
- Loan to Germany, 14, 25, 30, 34, 72, 109, 114, 133
- London Reparation Conference, for determining measures to give effect to plan. See London Reparation Conference, infra.
- Negotiations for U. S. participation in payments. See U. S. insistence on right to participate, infra.
- President Coolidge, speech, 13–15
- U. S. insistence on right to participate in
payments under plan (see also
U. S. claims, infra):
- Attitude of Belgium, 71–72, 75, 83–84, 92, 93; Bradbury, Sir John, 126–127; France, 70, 72–73, 74–75, 80–83, 92, 93; Great Britain, 56, 60, 68–69, 70, 75, 79–80, 92–93, 96–100, 112, 119–125; Italy, 70, 72, 75, 76, 92, 93–94, 95; Japan, 92, 107–108, 112–113, 116
- U. S. efforts to safeguard rights during negotiations of experts’ committees, 1–11
- U. S. position, 16–24, 24–27, 35–45, 50, 51–52, 52–55, 56–58, 64–68, 69–70, 71–76, 77–78, 81, 82, 84–92, 93–94, 100–107, 108–111, 113–116, 117–118, 125–126, 127–134
- Finance Ministers’ Conference at Paris:
- Date of convening, 59, 63–64, 70, 95, 111–112, 118, 126
- Proposal by French delegation to London Reparation Conference, 54, 55, 56, 58
- U. S. participation:
- Attendance of U. S. Ambassador in Great Britain, 115, 125–126
- Disagreement regarding invitation and U. S. right to participate, 54–55, 56–57, 59–62, 104–105
- U. S. representative: Designation and instructions, 59, 61–63, 71–73, 75–76, 94, 113–115; reports on preliminary activities, and requests for instructions, 66–67, 69–70, 74–75, 77, 80–84, 92–93, 108–111, 117–118, 120–127
- German bonds in payment of Belgian war debt to Allies, 66–67
- Herriot-MacDonald conversations, 24, 45, 46–49, 50–51, 135
- Hungarian relief bonds, priority over reparation payments, 325, 326, 327, 328, 329, 330
- Interallied war debts, 31, 49, 55–56
- Loan to Germany, 14, 25, 30, 34, 72, 109, 114, 133
- London Reparation Conference, July
16–Aug. 16:
- British-French note to Allies, July 9: Text, 46–49; U. S. views, 50–51, 52
- Finance Ministers’ Conference at Paris subsequent to London Conference. See Finance Ministers’ Conference, supra.
- Herriot-MacDonald conversations prior to conference, 24, 45, 46–49, 50–51, 135
- Participating powers, 29
- Protocol of Aug. 16: Adoption, 105; British proposal, 28–29; U. S. attitude, 32–33, 34
- Purpose, 29, 31, 33, 46–48
- U. S. note-verbale to Belgium, France, Great Britain, and Italy, proposed, drafts and discussion, 42–45, 46
- U. S. participation:
- Invitation, 24, 28–30; U. S. consideration and ultimate acceptance, 27, 31–32, 35, 50
- Public statement regarding, 32
- U. S. reservation of right to participate in payments under Dawes Plan, 45, 46, 50, 54–55, 56–58, 104–105, 121
- U. S. views regarding proposed protocol and general purpose of conference, 32–35
- Reparation Commission:
- Rhineland, U. S. Army of Occupation. See U. S. Army of Occupation, infra.
- Sanctions, economic and military, 33, 34
- Spa percentage agreement (1920), 38, 53, 97–98, 105, 121n, 122n, 129–130, 164
- Tank ships of Deutsch-Amerikanische Petroleum Gesellschaft, dispute between Standard Oil Co. and Reparation Commission regarding disposal:
- Turkish gold delivered by Austria and Germany, U. S. interest in disposition of, 64–65, 69
- U. S. Army of Occupation, reimbursement of costs (see also Experts’ Plan: U. S. insistence on right to participate, supra, and U. S. claims: Army costs, infra):
- U. S. claims (see also
Experts’ Plan: U. S.
insistence on right to participate, supra):
- Amount, estimates, 2, 23, 23–24, 25–26, 36, 51–52, 53–54, 90–91, 106, 114
- Arbitration, British suggestion, 125, 132
- Armistice Agreement of Nov. 11, 1918, U. S. rights under, 86–87, 94, 119, 127
- Army costs (see also U. S. Army of Occupation, supra), 1–2, 3, 5, 9, 10, 11, 17, 19, 20–21, 21–22, 23–24, 25, 37–39, 40–41, 42, 79, 86–87, 89, 91, 96, 109–110, 113, 114, 117, 121n, 122, 127–128, 133, 134
- Belgian debt, 25, 36, 66–67, 71, 87, 110–111, 113, 134
- Bonds, question of U. S. participation, 21, 25, 26, 36, 39, 66–67
- Bulgarian reparation payments, U. S. claim to right of participation, 152–156
- Cables transferred to United States, crediting on claims, 17, 21
- Categories. See Army costs, supra, and Damages to persons and property, infra.
- Damages to persons and property (claims adjudicated by Mixed Claims Commission), 1, 2, 3–4, 6, 9, 10–11, 17, 19–20, 23–24, 25, 42, 51–52, 53–54, 79, 87–88, 91, 96–99, 102–107, 117–118, 130–131, 134
- Ex-German property and ships, question of crediting on claims, 16–17, 17, 21, 22, 26, 36–37, 39–40, 80, 91, 98–99, 101, 107, 110, 111, 113, 115, 115–116, 124–125
- Interest charges, 39, 41, 51–52, 52–53, 111, 115
- Mixed Claims Commission, claims adjudicated by. See Damages to persons and property, supra.
- Moratorium, possible effect on reimbursement of U. S. Army costs, 1–2, 3, 5
- Priority, 17, 20–21, 38–39, 40–41, 41, 114, 134
- Sequestered property. See Ex-German property, supra.
- 2½ percent allocation to U. S. claims, 20–21, 23–24, 25, 36, 38, 41
- U. S.–German agreement of Aug. 10, 1922, establishing Mixed Claims Commission, 2, 87, 105–106
- U. S.–German treaty of Aug. 25, 1921, U. S. rights under, 2, 33, 42, 75, 77, 78, 82, 86, 87–89, 94, 96–97, 105, 119, 194
- Versailles Treaty, 2, 19–20, 21, 25, 26, 33, 36–37, 39, 42, 46–47, 64, 66, 77, 78, 82, 85, 89–90, 94, 96–97, 100, 101, 103, 104, 106, 107, 119–120, 122–124, 127, 128–129, 131, 159, 161, 193–194
- Romano–Americana Co. See under Rumania: Mining Law: Interpretation.
- Rumania:
- Commercial debts, claims of foreign creditors:
- British and French agreements for settlement of claims, 648, 653–654, 655–656, 656–657, 658
- Commercial Indebtedness Law and project for moratorium against foreign creditors: Nature and purport, 622, 648–650; protests of European governments, 653–654, 655; of United States, 634–635, 636, 649–656
- Negotiations regarding claims of U. S. creditors (see also Commercial Indebtedness Law, supra, and Term of Grace Law, infra), 614n, 622–623, 635, 639–641, 659
- Term of Grace Law, extensions: Reports concerning, 658–659, 659; U. S. protests, 627, 639, 640, 659–663
- Consolidation of Rumanian treasury bonds, 623–624
- Extradition treaty with United States: Negotiations, report concerning, 670–671; text of treaty and supplementary note signed July 23, 664–670; U. S. ratification, 671–673; views of U. S. Secretary of State regarding note on death penalty, 673–674
- Issues between United States and Rumania (see also
Mining Law, infra):
- Negotiations regarding, 621–626, 633–636, 637–642, 643–644
- Recall of U. S. Minister for consultation:
- Departure of Minister for United States, arrangements for, 626–629
- Notification to Rumanian Government, 618–619; Rumanian attitude, 619–626
- Press reports and U. S. explanations regarding recall, 616–617
- Proposal, 613–614; recommendations of Minister in connection with, 614–616
- Return of Minister to Rumania, 633, 643
- U. S. statement to the press, 629
- Mining Law (see also
Issues between United States and Rumania,
- Drafts (see also Protests, infra), reports concerning, 599, 605–606, 606; attitude of France, Great Britain, and Netherlands, 600
- Identic note of Rumanian Government in reply to U. S., British, and French representations, 611
- Interpretation by Ministry of Industry and Commerce detrimental to foreign oil interests (see also Provisions, infra):
- Passage by Rumanian Parliament, and promulgation, 600, 602, 604, 605, 605–606, 609, 610, 617
- Protests of Belgium, France, and Netherlands, 597, 606, 607, 609; Great Britain, 597, 598–599, 606, 606–607, 609–610, 632, 637; United States, 597–598, 599, 600–602, 605, 606n, 607–608, 609, 610, 612–613, 637, 641–642
- Provisions objectionable to foreign oil interests, 597, 601, 603–604, 604, 608, 610, 630
- Standard Oil Co. of New Jersey (see also Interpretation: Romano-Americana Co., supra), request for U. S. support in opposing, 602–604; U. S. efforts on behalf of, 604, 605, 606, 607–608
- Oil interests, foreign, efforts of United States and other powers to protect. See Mining Law: Protests, supra.
- U. S. protests against measures detrimental to. U. S. interests. See Commercial debts, Issues between United States and Rumania, and Mining Law, supra.
- War debt to United States, 614n, 624–625, 635, 641
- Commercial debts, claims of foreign creditors:
- Russia. See Union of Soviet Socialist Republics.
- Sakhalin, Russian. See Union of Soviet Socialist Republics: Sinclair Exploration Co.
- Salvador. See Honduras.
- Samoa, U. S. representations against trade discrimination by New Zealand, 241–242; New Zealand’s countercomplaint and proposal of reciprocal assurances, 242–246
- Sanitary Commission for Turkey, appointment of an American to participate in consultative capacity, 743–745
- Shidehara, Baron. See under Japan: Immigration.
- Siberia, oil exploitation. See Union of Soviet Socialist Republics: Sinclair Exploration Co.
- Sinclair Exploration Co. See Oil concessions: U. S. interests and Railway and motor-road construction: Ulen & Co.: Loan under Persia; also under Union of Soviet Socialist Republics.
- Slater, Fred C., U. S. consul at Newcastle-on-Tyne. See Great Britain: U. S. consular officers.
- South Manchuria Railway Zone. See under Japan.
- Sovereignty over polar areas, rights of. See under Norway.
- Spain (see also
Germany: Dirigible; Morocco):
- Agreements with United States regarding intervention of consuls in settlement of estates and indemnities for labor accidents, proposed: Spanish proposals, 684, 689; U. S. attitude, 688–689, 690
- Commercial modus vivendi with United States, continuation: Exchange of notes, 687–688; negotiations, 685–687
- Grapes, importation into United States, question of, 685
- Recognition of Greek Government, 268
- Treaty of friendship and commerce with United States, proposed: Modus vivendi, continuation, 685–688; most-favored-nation treatment, proposed arrangement pending conclusion of treaty, 691–692; renewal of negotiations, discussions regarding, 689, 690–691
- U. S. Embassy, unauthorized assistance in securing for American interests exclusive telephone rights in Spain, 692–694
- Speyer & Co., interest in Greek refugee loan, 288–289
- Standard Oil Co. of New Jersey. See Iraq: Turkish Petroleum Co., Ltd.: U. S. interests; Persia: Oil concessions: U. S. interests; Reparations: Tank ships; and under Rumania: Mining Law.
- Sweden:
- Switzerland (see also Germany: Dirigible): Consent to subordination of relief-bond priority to Hungarian reconstruction loan, 331; Rumanian legislation affecting foreign creditors, attitude regarding, 653, 654; U. S. consular protection to Swiss interests in Egypt, continuation, 705–708
- Taft Agreement. See Panama: Treaty to replace Taft Agreement.
- Tangier. See Morocco.
- Tank ships of Deutsch-Amerikanische Petroleum Gesellschaft. See under Reparations.
- Togoland. See Mandates: Cameroons and Togoland.
- Transoceanic Corp., 623, 627, 640–641
- Treaties, conventions, etc.:
- Allied agreement respecting distribution of reparation payments, Mar. 11, 1922, 66, 152
- Amapala, Pact of. See under Honduras: Efforts of United States and Central American Republics to bring about peace.
- Arbitration agreement between United States and—
- Netherlands. See Netherlands: Agreement.
- Reparation Commission (1920), cited, 162
- Sweden. See under Sweden.
- Armistice agreement of Nov. 11, 1918, U. S. rights under, 86–87, 94, 119, 127
- Arms Traffic Convention of 1919, 740, 741, 742
- Army costs agreement. See under Reparations.
- Commercial treaties. See Commercial treaties and agreements.
- Extradition treaty between United States and—
- Lithuania, text signed Apr. 9, 422–427
- Rumania. See under Rumania.
- Turkey. See Turkey: Treaties with United States.
- Loan agreement of 1918, release of veto power by United States, France, and Great Britain to promote conclusion of Greek refugee loan, 282–285
- Mandate conventions, U. S.–Great Britain. See Cameroons and Togoland, East Africa, and Palestine under Mandates.
- Property convention, U. S.–Great Britain, Mar. 2, 1899: Application to Irish Free State, 248–249; cited, 253
- Protocol of Aug. 16, adopted at London Reparation Conference, 28–29, 32–33, 34, 105
- Protocol of Geneva of Sept. 29, 1923, proposed modifications relating to Greek refugee loan of 1924, 283, 285–286, 287
- Russo-Persian treaty of—
- 1828. See Persia: Extraterritorial rights: Treaty of Turcomanchai.
- 1921, 567, 568–569, 572, 573, 576–577
- Spa Protocol of 1920, 38, 53, 97–98, 105, 121n, 122n, 129–130, 164
- Tangier, convention regarding. See Morocco.
- Turcomanchai, Treaty of. See under Persia: Extraterritorial rights of foreigners.
- U. S.–France–Great Britain. See Loan agreement of 1918, supra.
- U. S.–Germany: Claims agreement of Aug. 10, 1922, 1, 2, 87, 105–106; treaty of friendship, commerce, and consular rights, Dec. 8, 1923, letter from Secretary of State to Senator Lodge urging ratification, 183–192; treaty restoring friendly relations, Aug. 25, 1921, U. S. rights under, 2, 33, 42, 75, 77, 78, 82, 86, 87–89, 94, 96–97, 105, 119, 194
- U. S.–Germany–Great Britain, 1899, alleged violation by New Zealand, 241, 242, 243–244, 245, 245–246
- U. S.–Great Britain:
- Mandate conventions. See Cameroons and Togoland, East Africa, and Palestine under Mandates.
- Property convention of Mar. 2, 1899: Application to Irish Free State, 248–249; cited, 253
- U. S.–Greece, commercial arrangement. See Greece: Exchange of notes.
- U. S.–Guatemala, exchange of notes according mutual unconditional most-favored-nation treatment in customs matters, 290–292
- U. S.–Japan, commercial treaties. See Japan: Treaties.
- U. S.–Lithuania, extradition treaty, text signed Apr. 9, 422–427
- U. S.–Netherlands:
- Arbitration agreement. See Netherlands: Agreement.
- Commercial treaty, proposed. See Netherlands: Treaty.
- U. S.–Nicaragua, commercial arrangement. See Nicaragua: Exchange of notes.
- U. S.–Panama:
- U. S.–Rumania, extradition treaty See under Rumania.
- U. S.–Spain:
- U. S.–Sweden, arbitration convention and supplementary exchange of notes: Negotiations, 695–702; texts signed June 24, 702–704
- U. S.–Turkey, treaties signed Aug. 6, 1923. See under Turkey.
- Versailles Treaty. See under Reparations.
- Turkey:
- Arms and munitions, exports to Turkey:
- Sanitary Commission for Turkey, appointment of an American to participate in consultative capacity, 743–745
- Treaties with United States signed Aug. 6, 1923 (general and extradition):
- Résumé of—
- U. S. ratification, question of:
- Efforts of U. S. Secretary of State to obtain ratification: Communications to Chairman of Senate Foreign Relations Committee, 715–724, 724–725, 729; to President Coolidge, 726–727; speech reviewing events leading to conclusion of treaties, 709–715
- Opinions of American educational, missionary, and business interests, 713–714, 720, 723–724, 724–725, 729; of U. S. High Commissioner in Turkey, 731–732, 732; of U. S. Secretary of Commerce, 727–729
- Status of treaties in U. S. Senate, 724, 725
- U. S. efforts to protect American interests pending ratification of general treaty, 730–739
- U. S. interests, business and benevolent: Efforts of United States to protect, pending ratification of general treaty, 730–739; opinions favorable to U. S. ratification of general treaty with Turkey, 713–714, 720, 723–724, 724–725, 729; transfer of real property, question of, 736–737, 738–739
- Turkish Petroleum Co., Ltd. See under Iraq.
- Ulen & Co. See under Persia: Railway and motor-road construction.
- Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (see
Extraterritorial rights
Oil concessions
- Communist propaganda in United States directed from Russia, 683
- Sinclair Exploration Co., oil explorations in Northern Sakhalin, requests for U. S. representations against interference by Japanese authorities, 678–679, 679–681; U. S. refusal, 679, 681.
- U. S. diplomatic representatives abroad, instructions for guidance in relations with Soviet representatives in countries to which accredited, 675–677
- U. S. Government vessels, Soviet protests against unauthorized entry into Soviet waters, 681–682, 682–683; U. S. attitude, 682
- U. S. Acting Secretary of Agriculture, letter regarding relation of plant quarantine regulations to commercial treaties, 486
- U. S. Army of Occupation. See under Reparations.
- U. S. citizens. See Mandates: Palestine; Mexico; Extraterritorial rights and Taxation under Persia.
- U. S. Congress:
- Immigration Act of 1924. See Japan: Immigration.
- Letters of Secretary of State to Chairman of Senate Committee on Foreign Relations urging ratification of—
- Passage of debt-funding agreement with Hungary, 330n
- Resolution ending state of war with Germany (1921), 88, 94
- Tariff Act of 1922, cited, 187–188, 191
- U. S. consular officers at Newcastle-on-Tyne, settlement of U. S. dispute with Great Britain over British withdrawal of recognition, 249–252
- U. S. consular protection to Swiss interests in Egypt, continuation, 705–708
- U. S. diplomatic representatives abroad, instructions for guidance in relations with Soviet representatives in countries to which accredited, 675–677
- U. S. marines, possible utilization in connection with Nicaraguan elections, question of, 495, 496–499, 500–502
- U. S. Secretary of Commerce, opinion in favor of U. S. ratification of treaties with Turkey of Aug. 6, 1923, 727–729
- U. S. Secretary of State (see also Japan: Immigration; Turkey: Treaties with United States: U. S. ratification): Letter to Senator Lodge regarding case of Lieut. Warren H. Langdon, 419; letter to Senator Lodge urging ratification of U. S.-German treaty of friendship, commerce, and consular rights (1923), 183–192; letter to President Coolidge regarding proposed customs arrangement with Nicaragua, 512–513; recommendation for proclamations respecting exportation of arms and munitions of war to Honduras, 321–322, 323; recommendation for U. S. recognition of Greek Government, 262–265; views in connection with U. S.–Rumanian extradition treaty, 673–674
- U. S. Secretary of Treasury, statement relative to Hungarian reconstruction loan, 331–332
- U. S. Supreme Court: Decision of Feb. 19, 1923, regarding ineligibility of British Indians to citizenship in United States, 252, 254, 256, 259, 260, 261; Japanese statement in connection with decision regarding alien land laws of California and Washington, 333–334; opinion concerning rights of shareholders in corporation assets, cited, 156–157
- Versailles Treaty. See under Reparations.
- War debts:
- Young, Owen D., temporary appointment as Agent General for reparation payments under Dawes Plan, 137–139
- Yugoslavia, recognition of Greek Government, 268
- Zeppelin constructed in Germany for United States. See Germany: Dirigible.