The British Ambassador (Howard) to the Secretary of State48
Sir: I have the honour to refer to the note which you were so good as to address to me on August 29th last in regard to the possible appointment of an American delegate to the Commission to be set up under Article 116 of the Lausanne Treaty for the liquidation of the former sanitary administration in Turkey, and to inform you, under instructions from Mr. Secretary MacDonald, that His Majesty’s Government would welcome the appointment of a representative of the United States Government to participate in the Commission in a consultative capacity, as suggested in the last paragraph of your note under reference.
I understand that my French and Italian colleagues are also communicating with you in regard to this question and are informing you that their Governments share the desire of His Majesty’s Government for the appointment of the American delegate above referred to.
I have [etc.]
- Similar notes of the same date were received from the French and Italian Chargés.↩